* In a word, masterful! *   DK
* A thrill ride. *   Amazon review
* This would make a great movie. *   RP
* I’m overwhelmed with your novel. It’s fantastic!!!! The way you write gives me a picture as if I were in the story. *   RH
* I really liked the fast pace and the short chapters. It was very effective, like the rat-tat-tat of a machine gun. *   NL
* I felt myself caught up in the excitement and really wanted to see how it would play out.” … A must-read for anyone who loves conspiracy and intrigue in a historical setting. *   MZ
* Hockenberry will be an author in my collection. The only disappointment was when I finished it. *   HD
* I loved the weaving together of the different threads. *   JR
* I thoroughly enjoyed “Over Here,” especially interesting because I could identify with most of if not all of the venues, having grown up and lived in the New York area all my life. *   AS
* I am also grateful for the ‘Author’s Note’ section, separating fact from fiction, as the it was hard to comprehend anything fictional. Clearly your integration of historical events with fictional creation was well done and added to the intrigue of this book. *   PH
* I would put your book right up there with Robert Ludlum, fast pace and mesmerizing. *   HD

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